You eat vegetables and fruit

You eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruit
You eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruit
You eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruitYou eat vegetables and fruit