In the beginning was the word

In the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the word
In the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the word
In the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the wordIn the beginning was the word